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Judah Goes First


The Power of Apostolic-Prophetic Praise


Judah means “praise.” In the wilderness, the tribe of Judah would precede the other tribes whenever Israel moved to a new location. After entering Canaan, Judah also led the tribes going into battle. Judah goes first, and praise always leads the way into the new things of God.

The Lord uses our praise to enact the plans He has for us. Apostolic and prophetic praise are both remarkable tools and weapons through which we partner with the Holy Spirit—releasing God’s power and glory into our situations.

Among others, this book addresses the following topics:

• Why God Keeps Changing the Way We Praise
• Major Moves of God and Shifts in Worship
• The Power of Prophetic Warfare Praise
• The Impact of Prophetically Singing the Psalms
• How to Prophesy Through Song
• Apostolic Praise as It Is in Heaven

Activate To Prophecy


The Essential Experience for This New Church Era


Paul advocates desiring spiritual gifts, “especially that you may prophesy” (1 Corinthians 14:1). The ability to hear and release God’s voice changes our faith, our ministry, and our expectations. Learning to hear Him prophetically is a simple process. Furthermore, the steps for doing so can be used to activate any of the gifts of the Spirit. The process is replicable, and activated believers can easily train others.

Some of the topics addressed in this book are as follows:

• Why Prophetic Activation Is the Third of the Three Foundational Christian Experiences
• The Four-Faith Principles of Activation
• How Those Principles Can Be Used to Activate All the Spiritual Gifts
• Essentials of Prophesying
• Dos and Don’ts
• Twenty-One Purposes of Prophecy
• Biblical Mindsets About Apostolic and Prophetic Training

Apostles and Apostolic Anointing


Raising Up the End-Times Believers


Apostles were in place when the early church was birthed. As believers joyfully shared the gospel and ministered in power, the church exploded in size and influence. Now, God is restoring apostles and apostolic anointing. More than ever, He longs to see His Kingdom brought into every area of society.

Some of the topics addressed are as follows:

• Biblical Foundation for Apostles Today
• Twelve Characteristics of Apostolic Anointing
• Why Apostolic Anointing Is Necessary for All Believers
• The Role and Function of Apostles
• Calling, Training, and Setting In of Apostles
• Testing and Character of Apostles
• Apostolic Anointing for Marketplace Ministers

Apostolic Centers


Wine Skin for the New Era


Why was the early church so dynamic? I believe apostolic centers were vital to the rapid spread of the gospel. God has restored prophets and apostles, and now He is restoring apostolic centers. As these centers are established, believers will be trained and equipped to minister in the full power of the Holy Spirit.

Some of the topics addressed are as follows:

• Functions of Apostolic Centers
• The Four Pillars of Apostolic Training
• Miracle and Revival Center
• Gaining an Open Heaven
• House and Marketplace Churches
• A Brief History of Apostolic Centers
• Apostolic Teams

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