Posted with Permission from Karen Dey.
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While Driving from Whitianga to Whanganui near Whakamaru in New Zealand on Monday 18th March 2024
I Saw a vision of angels singing/rejoicing over the land, all of creation was singing with them
I Saw trumpeting angels blowing trumpets over the land
I Saw waring angels coming behind the worshipping angels and trumpet blowing angels.
Felt God say - call the nations to pray.
From passover - Monday 22nd April for 365 days - for one whole year.
Get people to pray over a map of the world for 365 days for Revival and Harvest and Labourers.
Like a final push to push everyone into the Kingdom of God - pulling them out of the fire
As I prayed into this over the next few days I was lead to the book of Jude.
(Jude is the book before Revelations - the book that is all about “Revealing Jesus”
I sense that Jesus is going to be REVEALING Himself to the nations of the world as we step into the outworking of the book of Revelations.
Jude vs 2 - to those who are called, sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ.
God is calling His sanctified remnant to - contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (vs 3)
Vs 5-13 - is all about the sins we are witnessing on the earth and the judgement that is coming against these sins; “For whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever” vs 13)
Jude 14-25
Enoch - fiery arrows of Enoch
Vs 20 - build yourselves up - Praying
Vs 23 - pull them out of the Fire
Judgement is coming
- Globally the world is so connected
- God is speaking to His earth and to His creation
- The world has to wake up to ungodliness (vs 15)
- Vindication is coming
- The fear of the Lord is coming
- Contend earnestly for the faith
- Prepare the way through prayer
- Invitation to change
Formula to go Forward over the next year
1. Vs 20 - Build yourself in your most Holy faith - anchored in your faith
2. Vs 20 - Praying in the Holy Spirit
3. Vs 21 - Keep yourself in the love of God/ keep your hearts right
4. Vs 21 - Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life
5. Vs 22 - Have mercy on those who doubt
6. Vs 23 - Save others by snatching them out of the fire
7. Vs 23 - To others show mercy with fear (fear of the Lord) hate the garment defiled by the flesh = sin (hate the sin)
Enoch is the 7th from Adam
Number 7 means COMPLETION
Number 7 example in the bible: Naman was told to dip himself 7 times in the river (to receive the completion of his healing)
God was testing Naman
There is a call to pray because of what we are going to be facing in the coming years
Pray for those who are wavering between two opinions - sitting on the fence
God wants to get our attention
Psalm 33:5 He loves righteousness and justice, the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
Psalm 37:1-4 (Read) - promise to us
Strategy top SNATCH people out of the FIRE
Tell the people to take a world map and prayer over it every day for 365 days declaring harvest and revival and a release of labourers/witnesses from all generations into the harvest fields
Join with the angels in singing over the land (whenua)
Declare -“ let the trumpets of heaven sound & resound”
Declare - “let God’s waring angels go out to conquer & destroy the enemy”
Declare -“ let the harvest come in - we will snatch them out of the fire”
Everyone is to pray for the book of Acts fire to manifest itself in the lives of the people around the world.
It is all about the fire -
1. The fire of God coming
2. Snatching the people out of the fire of hell - the fire of the enemy
3. We are going to be dealing with the fire in this 365 days
4. As we pray we will release the fire of heaven to earth
5. Then we will see miracles wherever we go
6. Bless the world with the Holy Spirit and Fire
Deut 30:14 - “The word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart”
This verse is a Key for Victory -
We have entered a Victory Season - victory over the battles - declare Gods victory in your nation
Monday 22nd April for 365 days - for one whole year.
GODS people are to pray over a
FOR Revival and Harvest and Labourers.
A final push to PUSH everyone into the Kingdom of God