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Blessings for the Hebrew Month of Tevet

Blessings for the Hebrew Month of Tevet

Tevet—The Tenth Hebrew Month of 5781 December 16, 2000–January 13, 2021

Time to Mature: Put On the Crown and Rule with Him

1. Coronation, or receiving the crown—Last year during this time, a colleague shared a dream in which they heard the Lord say, “Now is the coronation of my bride.” From the Lord’s perspective, this would mean His ekklesia has matured so we can take our place to rule and reign with Him. We have to see ourselves from His perspective. We are not in training. Now is the time to wear the crown.

Note the historical correlation—on Tevet 1 (BCE 479), Esther was taken to the king’s palace, and on Tevet 10 she was chosen to be queen. So, be sure to shift your thinking. Receive the crown the Lord has for you. Be a ruler with Him. Revelation 1:6 states, “[He] has made us kings and priests to His God and Father” (Rev. 1:6).

Be sure to take note of the word ekklesia (church). It is a secular term well known by all the people of Jesus’s day. The ekklesia of a city was the ruling, governing group of citizens. By calling us His ekklesia, Jesus intended that we have influence and be rulers for the kingdom of God in the marketplaces of our neighborhoods, cities, and nations. Jesus promised to be with us, and thus we have His authority. Therefore, rise up and wear the crown.

2. Month of the tribe of Dan—Means to judge; to grow up and mature. See Genesis 49:16–18 [1]. Samson came from the tribe of Dan (see Judges 13). Samson didn’t mature and therefore failed to reach his potential. God wants us to be able to judge/lead and to cause the enemy to fall backward. Unlike Samson, God wants us to grow up and mature. The result of maturing is moving into our kingly calling/anointing. It’s also interesting to note that in Revelation 7, the tribe of Dan is not listed with the other tribes. It seems to have disappeared from history. We cannot expect to use “immaturity” as an excuse forever. We must mature.

3. Samson’s weakness was basically an inability to say no to his flesh—he put his fleshly desires above his vows and calling. As a Nazarite, he was to never cut his hair or eat anything unclean (see Judges 13:4–5 [2]). Eating the honey from a carcass broke that vow (14:9) [3]. Also, he should have run from Delilah, but his flesh kept him coming back. Gradually she wore him down and he revealed the source of his strength—that he was a Nazarite whose hair had never been shaved (see Judges 16:10–21). His great gifting did not have the impact it could have. Say, “Lord, I choose to deal with my flesh and immaturity. I choose to walk in sync with You.”

4. A month to fast—It was on Tevet 10 in 588 BCE that Nebuchadnezzar II began the siege of Jerusalem (2 Kings 25:1 [4]). We know this was a culmination of Israel's long ignoring/breaking of their covenant with God and their rebellion against Him. The enemy always wants to besiege us. Fasting helps us to be watchful—to focus on the Lord and to keep aligned with Him. This year, Tevet 10 falls on December 25.

5. Ending of Hanukkah (Dec. 10–18)—In the midst of destruction there is mercy. This festival means “the light will not go out.” It was celebrated in belief that the destroyed temple would be rebuilt. Regardless of the problem, God has a way to impart mercy to build for the future. Look at every difficult situation you are in right now and declare He has mercy and light for you in the midst of those situations.

6. Month of the Hebrew letter ayin (ע)—It means “Let your good eye see.” Recall Matthew 5:8, which states, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Purity of heart leads to purity of the eyes of our heart (the good eye).

7. A month to war with the evil eye and to break the power of evil watchers (if you don’t break that power, it will try to manipulate you). The evil-eye structure is embedded in our culture. It allows us to be manipulated by evil spirits. In Acts 13, Barnabas and Paul were hindered by Elymas the sorcerer. Paul prayed, and the Lord struck Elymas with blindness. Similarly, we can pray and ask the Lord to close the eyes of the enemy so we aren’t hindered. In 2 Kings 6:17–18 [5], Elisha prayed for the eyes of his servant to be opened; that servant was then able to see the angelic army protecting them. Elisha prayed again and the enemy army was blinded.

8. Pray for our leaders—In 1 Timothy 2:2, Paul exhorts us to pray “for kings and all who are in authority.” Many strategies begin to be released at this time, as well as in April and July. God gives us people to lead and guide. We need to pray for them. A good leader will give us revelation. Be sure to pray for your spiritual covering, as well as for the political leaders of your nation.

9. Review your education or what is initiating you into your next phase. Sign up for a course or get some sort of training if you need it. Make sure you are advancing and moving ahead following the leading of the Holy Spirit.

10. Be angry but sin not—Anger is not a sin, but we have to be careful not to let it control us, as it can easily lead to sin. It rose up in Cain and he murdered his brother Abel (Gen. 4:5–8) [6]. In Ephesians 4:26–27 [7], we see anger is equated with being demonized. Note the suddenness of anger. If we do not learn to process anger properly so our emotions are under control of the Holy Spirit, we will erupt and fail when the test comes. “Be angry and sin not” (Eph. 4:26). Get over your anger before nightfall. God will give you opportunity. So when you have time, deal with it. For example, if you are between jobs, then pour the word of God into you and build yourself up.

11. Month of the constellation of Capricorn, the goat—Hind’s feet on high places. See 2 Samuel 22:34 [8], Psalm 18:33 [9], and Habakkuk 3:19 [10]. God is enabling us to go to higher places in Him. Declare that you are moving up.

12. Time to leap like a goat (deer). Maturing does not always have to be a long, slow process. The idea here is we can “leap” quickly to a state of maturity. “The lame shall leap like a deer” (Isa. 35:6). “He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places” (Ps. 18:33).

Grasp this truth—Jesus said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). We are called to be like Jesus. Therefore, determine in your heart that whenever people look at you or have contact with you, they will see more of God in you—much more than they will see your “old self.”

13. The month of the liver. The liver is important because it purifies. Proverbs 7:23 [11] talks about a dart in the liver (for the man who gave into sexual temptation). Sexual sin will affect your liver. We can trust God to purify us by the blood of Jesus. Think of His blood as entering your own bloodstream and cleansing you of the spiritual impurities that may be there because of your family bloodline or because of your own sin. When the liver is purified, the brain and heart also function more effectively.

(This material comes from my 2006 notes taken from a series of lectures given by Chuck Pierce [Glory of Zion]. I highly recommend his website for more materials and more in-depth explanations. —Ron Sawka)


[1] “Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, a viper by the path, that bites the horse’s heels so that its rider shall fall backward. I have waited for your salvation, O Lord!” (Gen. 49:16–18).

[2] “Now therefore, please be careful not to drink wine or similar drink, and not to eat anything unclean. For behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. And no razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines” (Judg. 13:4–5).

[3] “He took some of it in his hands and went along, eating. When he came to his father and mother, he gave some to them, and they also ate. But he did not tell them that he had taken the honey out of the carcass of the lion” (Judg. 14:9).

[4] “Now it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army came against Jerusalem and encamped against it; and they built a siege wall against it all around” (2 Kings 25:1).

[5] “And Elisha prayed, and said, ‘Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. So when the Syrians came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, and said, ‘Strike this people, I pray, with blindness.’ And He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha” (2 Kings 6:17–18).

[6] “But He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. So the Lord said to Cain, ‘Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.’ Now Cain talked with Abel his brother; and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him” (Gen. 4:5–8).

[7] “‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil” (Eph. 4:26–27).

[8] “He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places” (2 Sam. 22:34).

[9] “He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places” (Ps. 18:33).

[10] “The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills” (Hab. 3:19).

[11] “Till an arrow struck his liver. As a bird hastens to the snare, he did not know it would cost his life” (Prov. 7:23).







2)ダン族の月です。この部族は、裁き、成長、成熟と関係しています。創世記49:16-18を読みましょう。サムソンはダン族の出身でした。(士師記13章) 彼は成熟せず、自分の可能性を最大限に発揮することなく終わりました。 神は、私たちが裁き/リーダーシップを取り、敵が後ろに落ちるようになることを願っておられます。サムソンと違って私たちが成長し、成熟へと至ることを願っておられます。成熟することの結果は、私たちが王の召しと油注ぎのうちを歩むようになることです。興味深いことに、黙示禄7章にダン族は他の部族と一緒に記載されていません。彼らは歴史から消えたのです。私たちはいつまでも”未熟さ”を言い訳にすることはできません。私たちは成熟する必要があります。

3)サムソンの弱さは、自分の肉を拒むことができず、自分の欲求に負けてしまい、自分の召しや近いを顧みることができなかったことです。彼は、自分の欲求を神への誓いや自分の召しよりも優先しました。ナジル人として、彼は、決して髪を切ってはならず、汚れた物を口にしてはならないことになっていました。(士師13:4–5) しかし、士師記14:9で、彼は獅子の死骸からとれた蜂蜜を食べています。それはナジル人としての誓願を破ることを意味しました。また、デリラから離れ去るべきであったのに、肉的な欲求に負けて離れることができませんでした。大きなインパクトを与えられるはずの賜物でしたが、そうすることが出来ませんでした。神があなたに賜物を与えられたことを宣言し、それを真剣に受け止めましょう。主があなたを洗い清めてくださり、あなたの使命を邪魔する肉的なものが取り除かれるように求めましょう。


5)ハヌカの終わり。(12月23日〜12月30日)破壊のただ中に神のあわれみが存在します。(ハヌカの祝いは、「光は消えることがない」という意味を持ちます。この祭りは破壊された神殿が再建されるという信仰のもとに祝われました。) 問題がどのようなものであっても、神は将来を建て上げるための恵みを注いでくださいます。今、あなたを取り巻くあらゆる困難な状況を見渡し、それらの状況の中で、神があなたのためにご自身の恵みを注ぎ、光を輝かせてくださることを宣言しましょう。

6)ヘブル文字アイン(ayin [ע] )の月。「あなたの良い目によって見なさい」という意味があります。マタイ5:8の聖句について考えてみましょう。「心のきよい者はさいわいです。その人たちは神を見るから。」心がきよいということは、心の目(良い目)がきよいということです。

7)悪しき目と戦い、悪しき見張り人たちの力を打ち砕く時。 (もし、そうしないなら、それらがあなたを操ろうとします) 私たちの文化の中に「悪しき目」の構造が根を張っています。それによって、悪霊が私たちを操ることを許してしまうのです。使徒13章で、魔術師エルマがバルナバとパウロを妨げた時のことを読みましょう。パウロが祈ると、主はエルマを盲目にされました。同様に、私たちも、主に敵の目を閉ざしてくださるよう求めましょう。私たちの歩みが妨げられないようにするためです。第二列王記6章で、エリシャが、しもべの目が見えるようになるようにと祈ると、しもべに御使いたちの軍勢が守っているのが見えるようになりました。エリシャが再び祈ると、敵の目が見えなくなりました。




11)山羊座の月。(星座占いとは関係ありません)雌鹿のような足によって高い所を踏み行きます。(Ⅱサムエル22:34、詩篇18:33、ハバクク3:19) 神は、私たちが主にあって、更に高い領域へたどり着くことができるようにしてくださっておらるという意味です。自分が更に高い所へと向かいつつあると宣言しましょう。





提別月—猶太曆5781年第十個月 2020年12月16日-2021年1月13日


1. 加冕或領受王冠—去年此時,有一位同工分享他的夢,他們聽到主說:「現在是我的新婦要加冕的時候」,從主的角度來看,這指祂的教會(ekklesia)已經成熟,因此我們可以站對位置和主一起治理掌權。我們也必須從主的角度來看待自己,我們不是在受訓中,現在是戴上王冠的時候。



2. 但支派的月份:意指審判、成長和成熟(見創世紀49:16-18)。參孫從但支派而出 (士師記13章),參孫不成熟,因此沒有發揮他的潛能。神要我們能夠判斷/領導,並能夠擊敗我們的仇敵,而不是像參孫一樣。神要我們長大成熟,成熟的結果是進入我們作王的呼召/恩膏。很特別的是,在啟示錄第七章中,但支派沒有與其他支派並列,它似乎已從歷史中消失了。我們不能指望永遠以“不成熟”為藉口,我們必須長大成熟。

3. 參孫的軟弱基本上是無法對肉體說不;他把慾望置於呼召和誓言之上。身為拿細耳人,他不能剃髮或吃任何不潔之物(士師記13:4-5)。他吃從死獅取的蜜,打破了他拿細耳人的誓言(士14:9);他應該逃離大利拉,但是他的肉體使他不斷回頭,她讓他無法堅持而逐漸暴露力量的來源,告訴她他是拿細耳人、從未剃過頭(士16:10-21),最後參孫極大的恩賜沒有達到應有的影響力。讓我們說:「主,我選擇對付我的肉體和不成熟,我選擇與祢同行」。

4. 禁食的月份—尼布甲尼撒王二世於西元前588年提別月10日開始圍攻耶路撒冷(王下25:1),我們知道這是因為以色列人長期忽略/違背與神的立約和悖逆神的結果。仇敵總是想要圍困我們,禁食可以幫助我們儆醒,專注在神的身上,保持與主對齊。今年的提別月10日是12月25日。

5. 光明節的結束(12月10-18日)—在拆毀之中有憐憫。這個節期是指“光將不會熄滅”,慶祝是因為相信毀壞的聖殿將得以重建。不論你的問題如何,神都可以釋放憐憫來建造你的未來。要看著你現在所處的每個困境,宣告在這些景況中,神對你有憐憫和光照。

6. 希伯來字母ayin (ע) 的月份,意指“讓你的好眼看見”。同時思想馬太福音5:8節:「清心的人有福了!因為他們必得見神。」;清潔的心使心眼潔淨(好眼)。

7. 和惡眼爭戰並破除邪惡窺探者的月份(如果你不破除它,它會試圖操縱你)。惡眼架構嵌入在我們的文化裡,讓邪靈更容易操弄我們。在使徒行傳13章,當行法術的以呂馬抵擋巴拿巴和保羅,保羅禱告,主就擊打以呂馬使他瞎眼。同樣的,我們可以禱告,求主關閉仇敵的眼睛使我們不至遭到攔阻。另外在列王記下6:17–18,當以利沙禱告僕人的眼睛被打開,他就能看見天軍在保護他們,以利沙再禱告就使敵軍的眼目昏迷。

8. 為我們的領袖禱告的時刻。在提前2:2,保羅勸告我們要為「君王和一切在位的」禱告,此時有很多策略正在被釋放出來(也在四月和七月)。神賜給我們人來帶領和引導,我們需要為他們禱告。一個好的領袖可以把啟示釋放給我們,要確實為你的屬靈遮蓋以及你國家的政治領袖禱告。

9. 檢視你的教育以及進入下一個階段的需要。如果需要的話,上一些課程和訓練,要確定你正邁步向前,跟隨聖靈的帶領。

10. 生氣卻不要犯罪:生氣並不是罪,但我們必須謹慎不讓它控制我們,因為憤怒很容易導致犯罪。憤怒在該隱心中燃起,導致他殺了他的弟弟亞伯(創4:5-8)。在以弗所書4:26-27,我們看到憤怒等同於被魔鬼掌控,因此要注意突發的憤怒。如果我們沒有學會適當的處理我們的情緒,讓情緒順服聖靈的掌管,當試驗臨到,我們會爆發而失敗。「生氣卻不要犯罪」(弗4:26),要在日落前克服憤怒。神會給你機會,所以當你有時間,要處理這個問題。例如,如果您正處在沒有工作的時期,要確實多花時間讀神的話語來建造自己。

11. 魔羯(山羊)的月份,穩行在高處(撒下22:34;詩18:33;哈3:19),意指神正在使我們敏捷有力,在祂裡面往高處行,要宣告你正在提升。

12. 跳躍如山羊(鹿)的時刻。成熟並不一定總是需要一個漫長和緩慢的過程,但這裡的想法是,我們可以快速“躍進”成熟的境界。以賽亞書35:6:「那時,瘸子必跳躍」;詩篇18:33:「他使我的腳快如母鹿的蹄,又使我在高處安穩」。


13. 肝臟的月份。肝臟的重要因為它是淨化的器官,箴言7:23說到「箭穿他的肝」(一個人落入性的試探),性方面的犯罪會影響肝臟。我們可以信靠神並靠著耶穌的寶血潔淨我們,要思想祂的寶血進入你的血脈,潔淨你可能因為家族血脈或自己犯罪導致的靈裡不潔淨。當肝臟潔淨了,腦和心的功能也會更正常。

(本文主要內容來自於[Glory of Zion]的洽克皮爾斯2006一系列的教導) [CD] ,我極力推薦你們去這個網站擷取更多的資訊以及更詳細的說明—Ron Sawka榮撒卡使徒)

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