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2020/3/25 Crowns and Coronavirus 王冠とコロナウイルス

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

Arise 5 Weekly Update: March 25, 2020; Adar 29, 5780

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world” (Rom. 12:1–2).

“And has made us kings and priests to His God and Father” (Rev. 1:6).

Crowns and Coronavirus


I want to write about the coronavirus. I believe that somehow God is using it to crown His people, so they can move in the authority He has for them. (Corona actually means “crown.”) Yes, this is a horrible plague and many are suffering. And in many places, it may get far worse before it gets better. Nevertheless, God can use it for good. This is like when Joseph told his brothers, “You meant evil against me; but God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20). The New Testament says the same thing: “All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purposes” (Rom. 8:28). I believe God wants to use this time to “crown” His people to come into the authority He has for them.

1. What do I mean by crowning? In December 2019, during one of the Watchmen Gathering online meetings, someone shared a vision that God wanted to crown His people. When I heard that, something leaped in my spirit. It was like the long period of preparation was over and now was time for the church to come to a higher level, to have more influence and authority than ever before, and to move in authority to bring in great harvest.

2. We are both kings and priests. Revelation 1:6 teaches that we each have a dual identity as both kings and priests. As priests, we offer up prayers and intercession, as well as praise and worship. We ask Him for souls to be saved and for revival in nations. On the other hand, we also are kings. As kings, we are in Christ, seated at the right hand of the Father. Kings have authority and make declarations and decrees.

3. Kings make declarations and decrees. It’s easy to say we are kings and that we have authority. The problem is most believers know very little of how to function as kings. We are fairly well versed in the priestly side of things. But we are not so familiar with the kingly aspect of making decrees and declarations. Many know very little of walking in the authority the Lord has prepared for us.

We have to remember that Jesus, who is “High Priest ‘according to the order of Melchizedek’” (Heb. 5:10) is also king. (Melchizedek was both priest and king.) Jesus often told us to make declarations. For example, we read: “Assuredly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain ‘Be removed and cast into the sea’ … he will have whatever he says” (Mark 11:23). We have come to the time when we must know how to declare/decree what God is saying. As we declare with authority what God is already speaking, those things will come to pass and we will see the harvest come in.

4. Crowning (a story of census, plague, and sacrifice) Recall the story of King David ordering a census in 2 Samuel 24. Someone pointed out that he forgot to give the required ransom money for each man, as per Exodus 30:11–16, because the people belonged to God, not to David and his kingdom. So, a plague ensued. David repented and offered a sacrifice to God, and the plague stopped (2 Sam. 24:25).

5. A time to unequivocally offer ourselves to God. During this time of the plague of coronavirus, what is the sacrifice we are to offer to God? We must do as Paul said: “Present your bodies a living sacrifice,” and “Do not be conformed to this world” (Rom. 12:1–2). I don’t think it is ironic—nor is it a coincidence—that corona virus has come now. Its very name means “crown.” It is forcing us to stay at home. We have extra time to be with our families, to meditate, to seek God, and to more fully align with Him. He wants us to be kings who indeed know how to use the authority He has given.

During this time of coronavirus, be sure to offer your life completely to God. Let the Lord use this time to be a time of crowning for you.

Thanks so much for praying,

Ron and Teddy

Nissan—The First Hebrew Month (March 26–April 24)

Moving Out of the Old and In to the New!

Thursday, March 26 marks the beginning of the first Hebrew month. No, it is not the beginning of the Hebrew year, because that started back in September on the first day of the seventh Hebrew month. Confusing? Okay, maybe a little. However, since it is the first month, you can also call it the beginning of a new year, and it definitely is the beginning of the redemption cycle. Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Firstfruits all happen during this month.


2020年3月27日 聖書暦5780年ニサンの月2日

「そういうわけですから、兄弟たち。 私は、神のあわれみのゆえに、あなたがたにお願いします。 あなたがたのからだを、神に受け入れられる、聖い、生きた供え物としてささげなさい。 それこそ、あなたがたの霊的な礼拝です。この世と調子を合わせてはいけません。 いや、むしろ、神のみこころは何か、すなわち、何が良いことで、神に受け入れられ、完全であるのかをわきまえ知るために、心の一新によって自分を変えなさい。」(ローマ書12章1-2節)

「また、私たちを王国とし、ご自分の父である神のために祭司としてくださった方である。 キリストに栄光と力とが、とこしえにあるように。 アーメン。」(ヨハネの黙示禄1章6節)







思い出してください。イエスはメルキゼデクの位に等しい大祭司(へブル書5章10節)であり、王でもあります。(メルキゼデクは王であり、祭司でもありました。)イエスは、私たちに口で宣言すること様々な箇所で命じました。例えば、マルコによる福音書11章23節にはこう書かれています。「まことに、あなたがたに告げます。 だれでも、この山に向かって、『動いて、海に入れ』と言って、心の中で疑わず、ただ、自分の言ったとおりになると信じるなら、そのとおりになります。」神様が語っていることを命じる方法や宣言する方法を知る必要がある時にいます。神様が語っていることを権威を持って宣言すると、それが成し遂げられ、収穫を見ることができます。






ニサンの月 ヘブル暦における最初の月 (March 26–April 24)



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