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2020/11/25 Part Two—Upgrading Our Understanding of Prophecy and Praise!

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Ron Sawka Ministries

November 25, 2020; Kislev 09, 5781

(Formerly Arise 5)

“Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand” (Ps. 149:6).

“Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; believe His prophets, and you shall prosper” (2 Chron. 20:20).

Agenda for the Next Two Months: Believe His Prophets and You Shall Prosper!

Step Two: Be Sure to Sing to the Lord Daily, Part Two—Upgrading Our Understanding of Prophecy and Praise!

I feel the Lord wants to upgrade the way we His people look at prophecy and how we use it. For the past three weeks, I have been writing based on 2 Chronicles 20:20—the reference seems particularly apt this year. If ever we needed to believe what the Lord is telling us through His prophets, it is now.

I have chosen not to be worried about the final result of the US presidential election. Yes, those results will have major impact on many nations, which is probably why some of those nations have been praying for the US in an unprecedented fashion. Even now, the election results are not in, and I don’t think they will be until early-to-mid-January. In the meantime, our assignment is simple—believe in God, and more specifically, believe what He has spoken to us through His prophets.

That leads again into part two of this strategy—sing praises to the Lord. It’s kind of surprising how easy it is to not sing or vocalize our praise. Yes, it’s fine to silently praise the Lord in our hearts. But the Bible is full of exhortations to actually sing/vocalize our praise to Him. Sometimes you have to be sure you are actually singing/speaking it out. Here are a few simple results of praising the Lord:

1. Praise helps/affects our own hearts and enables us to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly. In 2 Kings 3, the young Elisha was so upset with the situation that he couldn’t hear the word of the Lord. He had to enlist the help of a musician, and after a time of praising received a prophetic word for Jehoshaphat that actually helped the three nations (see 2 Kings 3:15–19). As you make it a point to sing praises to God, you will discover your own heart opening up to better hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

2. Praise is a weapon against the devil. Praise is one of our greatest spiritual weapons, period! Psalm 149 describes how it binds and defeats spiritual forces of wickedness. Verse 8 mentions binding kings and nobles, so our praise actually affects our nations.

3. Praise can activate and help put into action that which has been prophesied or promised. Let me explain. We are told that praise is like a “two-edged sword in their hand” (149:6). This links to Ephesians 6:17, which tells us to take “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” This actually is the rhema, or living word of God, and not the logos, or written word. It is this rhema, or spoken word of God, that is so powerful and effective and attacks the enemy. Paul depicts a battle-ready soldier: his armor protects him, but he also has a sword (the rhema word) with which to attack the enemy (the devil).

4. A sword must be used in order to have any effect. Paul clearly told Timothy to not just idly wonder if prophecies spoken to him would come to pass, but to use them for warfare. He writes, “This charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare” (1 Tim. 1:18).

5. We swing the sword by singing and declaring. I like to picture it this way—when a prophecy has been spoken to us, it’s like a sword given to us. But it’s not enough to just look at the sword—we actually have to use it. How? First, by aggressively believing the word. Second, by declaring it. And third, by praising God. As we do this, that sword goes to work against forces of darkness with great effectiveness. If we don’t believe it, or don’t declare it, that sword remains motionless. This should make it easy to understand why Satan so strongly attacks prophecy and wants us to ignore what God spoke. It is also precisely why Paul says, “Do not despise prophecies” (1 Thes. 5:20).

6. We will discover the sword (word of God) works in our own hearts as well. We all know the following verse: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit” (Heb. 4:12). This is another incredible benefit of spiritual warfare. As we use the prophetic words given us, and as we keep praising and staying in an attitude of praise, we will find our own hearts being challenged. We will recognize wrong attitudes, unbelief, and ungodly mindsets. We will come to see that our greatest calling is to be like Jesus.

Be blessed! Thanks so much for praying!

Ron and Teddy































1. 讚美有助於/影響我們自己的心,使我們能更清楚聽見主的聲音。注意年輕的以利沙聽不見主的話語時感到十分的沮喪,他不得不召來一個彈琴的幫助,經過一段時間的讚美之後,他領受了對約沙法的預言,這實際幫助了三個國家(王下3:15)。因此,當您定意向神讚美時,你會發現自己的心會敞開,更能聽見聖靈的聲音。

2. 讚美是對抗魔鬼的兵器。讚美實際上是我們最強大的屬靈兵器之一!詩篇149篇詳細描述藉著讚美綑綁和擊敗邪惡的屬靈勢力。詩篇149篇也談到綑綁“君王和大臣”,因此我們的讚美實際上能影響列國。

3. 讚美可以啟動並幫助將預言或應許付諸實現。讓我來解釋,聖經告訴我們讚美就像「手裏有兩刃的刀」(詩149:6),這和以弗所書6:17「聖靈的寶劍,就是神的道」連結在一起。它實際上是神的“ 瑞瑪(rhema)”或活的話語,而不是“ 道(logos)”或記錄下的文字。正是這種“ 瑞瑪(rhema)”或神所說的話語有如此強大的力量和效力,能攻擊仇敵。要記得,保羅給了我們完整的屬靈軍裝的圖片,盔甲可以保護他,但他有一把劍(瑞瑪rhema)可以用來攻擊仇敵(魔鬼)。

4. 劍必須被使用才能有功效。保羅清楚地告訴提摩太,不要懶散地想知道他的預言是否會實現,而是要用預言來爭戰:「我兒提摩太啊,我照從前指著你的預言,將這命令交託你,叫你因此可以打那美好的仗。」(提前1:18)

5. 我們藉著歌唱讚美和宣告來揮舞劍。我喜歡這樣來描繪,當我們領受一個預言就好比賜給我們一把劍。但是僅僅看著劍還不夠,我們必須實際的使用它。如何使用? 我們透過以下方式使用它:1.堅定的相信預言2.宣告預言3.讚美神。當我們這樣做時,那把劍就可以大有功效地對抗黑暗權勢。如果我們不相信預言,或者不宣告出來,劍就無法運作。這應該易於理解,為什麼撒但如此強烈地攻擊預言並希望我們忽略神所說的話,這也正是保羅說:“不要藐視預言……”(帖前5:20)的原因。

6. 我們會發現劍(神的話)也在我們自己的心中動工。我們都知道「神的道是活潑的,是有功效的,比一切兩刃的劍更快,甚至魂與靈,骨節與骨髓,都能刺入、剖開」(來4:12) 這在屬靈爭戰有另一個不可思議的好處。當我們使用我們的預言,當我們不斷讚美並保持讚美的態度時,我們會發現自己的心被挑戰,我們會認出錯誤的態度、不信和不屬神的思維,而我們將看到我們最大的呼召就是要像耶穌。


Ron and Teddy榮撒卡和泰迪撒卡

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