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2020/10/21 How to Receive the Anointing That Breaks the Yokes

Updated: Oct 27, 2020

Ron Sawka Ministries

Oct. 21, 2020; Cheshvan 3, 5781

(Formerly Arise 5)

“And the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” (Isa. 10:27).

“Of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16).

How to Receive the Anointing That Breaks the Yokes

One of the themes for this new Hebrew month of Cheshvan (Oct. 19–Nov. 16) is receiving more anointing. This is important because the “yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing” (Isa. 10:27). We have just come through the Feast of Tabernacles and have been amazingly blessed, as well as having received new revelation and insights. The devil wants to sneak in and try to get the upper hand. God wants to anoint us more and more so we can easily resist the devil and so that his schemes can be broken. What is it that we can do to facilitate receiving the anointing God has for us? A few points are as follows:

  1. Know—We have to know that God wants to fill us until we are running over; until His plan in our lives is fulfilled. God, the Father, filled Jesus, and thus “of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16).

  2. Watch the Indicators—If we have something in our life that resists receiving—for example a poverty spirit that insists, “I can do everything on my own,” then we won’t receive the extra grace to overflow. If there is some problem or “flood” in our lives? It probably is an indicator of just what hindrance needs to be removed.

  3. Never Agree with Lack—God’s desire for us is abundance. We must never agree with lack or with infirmity or with anything from the devil. Luke 6:45 states, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Not only are we to speak abundance, but it must also radiate out of us and overcome the environment around us.

  4. Speak Words That Release Grace—No matter what, choose to be joyful; choose to only speak words that release grace. Then, not only others, but you also—the one who speaks—will receive grace. “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers” (Eph. 4:29).

  5. Keep Pressing In—Make this your goal for this month. Keep asking and expecting more and more of His anointing. “You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2).

  6. Spend Time with Him—The disciples received fullness and grace because they spent so much time with Jesus. Elisha spent time with Elijah and received his mantle. Soaking in His presence is one way. Walking and living in His presence is another. Whatever way, the Lord wants us to be so that “of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace” (John 1:16).

Be blessed! Thanks so much for praying!

Ron and Teddy

Warring with our Words

Cheshvan—The Eighth Hebrew Month, Oct. 19–Nov. 16

The blessings for the month of Cheshvan may be found here. Please read them, and then let the Lord fill you full this month.

















ヘシュバン:レブル暦第8の月 10月19日~11月16日



2020年10月21日; 5781年瑪西班月3日





  1. 知道——我們必須知道神想要充滿我們,直到我們無法承載更多,直到祂的旨意在我們生命中成就。神,我們的父,曾這樣充滿耶穌,因此「從他豐滿的恩典裡,我們都領受了,而且恩上加恩。」(約1:16)

  2. 留意信號——如果我們生命中有些東西阻擋了恩膏,例如貧窮的靈會堅稱“我什麼都做不了”,那麼我們就無法在此以外領受更多恩典,以至充滿。我們生命中存在一些問題或“洪水”嗎?這或許是一個信號,告訴我們什麼東西必須先挪去。

  3. 永不可認同缺乏——神的心意是要我們豐盛。我們絕不可認同缺乏的狀態,或是體弱多病,或是從魔鬼來的任何東西。路6:45提到,「心裡所充滿的,口裡就說出來。」我們不僅口中要宣告豐盛,而且這種豐盛必須從我們裡面發出來,勝過四圍的環境。

  4. 釋放恩惠的言語——無論如何,要選擇喜樂,選擇只說恩惠的話語。這樣,不僅聽到話語的人,和說出話語的你,都將領受恩惠。「污穢的言語,一句不可出口,只要隨事說造就人的好話,叫聽見的人得益處。」(弗4:29)

  5. 繼續向前邁進——讓這成為你本月的目標。堅持祈求、堅持期待更多得著祂的恩膏。“你們得不著,是因為你們不求。”(雅4:2)

  6. 花時間與神獨處——門徒領受聖靈充滿和恩典,是因為他們花了如此多的時間與耶穌同在。以利沙長期跟隨以利亞,因此得著了他的外袍。浸泡在神的同在中、與神同行和住在神的同在裡,是領受恩膏的幾種方式。無論哪一種,神都希望我們去行,方能實現「從他豐滿的恩典裡,我們都領受了,而且恩上加恩。」(約1:16)


Ron and Teddy榮撒卡和泰迪撒卡

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