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2020/5 Iyar(イヤル)

Blessings for the Hebrew Month of Iyar, April 25–May 23

Iyar: The Second Month of the Hebrew Year 5780

April 25–May 23 (29 days); Counting the Omer (Days 16–44)

A Time of Words: Understanding the Importance of What We Say

1. The Issachar month. See 1 Chronicles 12:32, which states, “The sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.” Compare this with Ephesians 5:15–17 which enjoins us to understand our times. This enables us to keep moving ahead, instead of just passing time. Redeeming the time actually means that lost opportunities and chances begin to get restored. It also means that the fulfillment of God’s plans and promises begin to come quicker. In a sense, our future starts coming toward us instead of being “far off.” God wants us to see each day, week, and month as a fresh cycle of new things He wants to bring into our lives and bless us with. It’s especially important this month as we “Count the Omer,” the forty-nine days from Passover to Pentecost (May 29–30), to meditate on all that He did during Passover.

2. The month of radiance, where light increases (it’s spring and the days are getting longer). Just as natural light increases, see that God wants to give you more and more revelation about you and your circumstances. Whenever you feel darkness trying to overtake you, say “no” to it. Instead, declare an increase in revelation. Isaiah 60:1 says the glory of the Lord will radiate off of us. Look at yourself as being radiant with the glory of God this month. Don’t be surprised if someone comments that you are “shining.”

3. The month linked with natural healing. We should expect that God will heal some through natural means. Exodus 15:26 states, “I am God, your healer [Jehovah Rapha].”

4. A month where you will see your snares. One of the main snares is murmuring and complaining. God gave the promise of healing just after they murmured. The connection is clear. Murmuring and complaining opens one up to physical and spiritual sickness. Not only are we not to complain or deem our words are merely “neutral,” but we need to declare that they bring grace and help (Eph. 4:29).

5. The month of the Hebrew letter “vav” [ו]. This is a month that links the Month of Redemption and the Month of Giving. (If you move correctly during this month, the rest of the year connects properly.) Your prosperity is linked with this month. Vav is the tent peg. We can bring heaven to earth. Jael drove the peg into Sisera’s head (Judg. 4:21), which brought victory and freedom. We can drive the tent peg into the enemy’s head by making a declaration. Declare that you will no longer complain, but will walk in the victory God has provided.

6. The month of the constellation of Taurus, the bull. Look and observe introspectively to find a place of improvement so that strength manifests. Keep moving—like a bull. Rely on the Lord and keep moving. The gospel of Mark is symbolized by the ox, and it emphasizes Jesus as servant. One of the easiest ways to keep moving ahead is by continuing to serve.

7. A month to deal with your soul (mind, will, and emotions). Make sure these three things (mind, will, and emotions—don’t let negative emotions remain) are aligned with God. One way of keeping these aligned is through our speech. Be careful to use words that release grace (Eph. 4:29).

8. A month to understand secrets (Issachar). Thank God that He will show you keys of healing, keys of advancement, and keys to handle complicated situations. Also remember that “the secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him (or He confides in those who fear Him)” (Ps. 25:14).

9. The month of thought. God permeates the mind (the thinking process of the heart). If our emotions are wrong, we will not be able to think clearly. God will send healing as we choose not to murmur. We will find Him putting His thoughts into our minds.

10. A month of spiritual advice. We need to be prophetic during this time. If we don’t exercise our gifts, somebody else will. Prophesy regularly this month.

11. The month of the right kidney and conscience (will and thought). Kidneys are linked with emotions, thought processes, and adrenaline processing. Fear affects the kidneys. God starts dealing with our consciences. The conscience is a window between spirit and soul. A clean conscience helps us with revelation. The blood of Jesus flows in us and brings cleansing, even to our DNA. Let this month be a time of much healing of kidney problems.

ヘブルの月の祝福 April 25–May 23

イヤルの月:ヘブル年5780年 第2月

2020年4月25日〜5月23日(29日間) オメル16日〜44日


1) イッサカルの月です。I歴代誌12:32を見ましょう。「イッサカル族から、時を悟り、イスラエルが何をなすべきかを知っている彼らのかしら二百人。彼らの同胞は皆、彼らの命令に従った。」エペソ5:15-17と比較してみてください。ここで、時について理解するように命じれらています。それによって、私たちはただ時間を過ごしていくだけではなく、前進し続けることができるようになります。「機会を十分に生かして用いなさい」は、過去に失った機会やチャンスが取り戻されるということです。また、神の計画と約束の成就がより早く来るようになるということも意味します。ある意味、”遠くにあった”私たちの将来が私たちの方へ近づいてくる感じです。神は、私たちが一日一日を、また週、月を神が祝福したいと願っておられる新しいサイクルとして見るようになって欲しいのです。今週は特に、ペンテコステまで(過越から49日目、5月29~30日です)の日数をカウントダウンするにあたり、神がこの過越に何をしてくださったかを思い巡らすことが大切です。




5)ヘブル文字の”vav” [ו]の月です。今月は、贖いの月と捧げ物の月をリンクする月です。(今月中に正しく行動するなら、今年の残りの時間も正しくコネクトしていきます。)あなたの繁栄も今月に関連しています。vavは天幕のくいです。私たちは、天を地にもたらすことができます。ヤエルは、シセラの頭にくいを打ち込み(士師4:21)勝利と自由がもたらされました。私たちは宣言することによって敵の頭にくいを打ち込むことができます。文句を言わないで神の勝利のうちを歩むことを宣言しましょう。







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